I really hate it when I get stuck with a person who obviously has no idea what they’re doing.
This usually comes in the form of restaurant employees.
Most of them are new, so they don’t know what they’re doing. This wouldn’t bother me so much if it wasn’t for the fact that they seem to almost get no training before dealing with the public, which usually results in confused employees and frustrated customers. Although I see this most often with fast food places, I still will sometimes see this in other businesses as well. Most recently, I have been having heating and air conditioning issues, and because I didn’t know why my HVAC devices were fine before and now suddenly having issues. I called my usual cooling corporation, and they sent out an incredibly young looking HVAC technician that I had never seen before. I didn’t really think much of it, but I couldn’t help but to notice the entire time this kid was supposed to be fixing my HVAC systems, he seemed like he was confused as to what he was doing. In the end, nothing was fixed and he couldn’t give me a reason as to why it was malfunctioning in the first place. I ended up calling to complain, because the issue was never fixed, nor was a reason given. They are going to send out another heating and cooling worker tomorrow for a more thorough examination. Hopefully, this person will know what they’re doing and I can get this HVAC issue resolved.