With the clock ticking for me to get the heating and cooling I needed in time, I needed to make some decisions.
When situations arise that I don’t expect, it sure is nice to get the counsel of those who believe more about the situation than I do. This was absolutely the case when I had to deal with a snag in the Heating and A/C equipment replacement. Thankfully, I could rely on trusted Heating and A/C professionals in that situation. Just owning a apartment is a sizable change and a sizable deal for me. I’m in my early 30’s and finally was able to purchase a apartment of my own. It’s small and was pretty beat up which is why I could afford it. My brother had been through a similar situation so he was able to help me figure out what I could do on my own. Together the two of us tackled a lot of the renovations ourselves. But the clock was ticking as I had to be out of my condo in the coming weeks. There were a few things left to do but the sizable deal was replacing the Heating and A/C equipment. Of course, I brought in the Heating and A/C professionals for this section of the renovations. And the plan was a pretty straightforward replacement of the old Heating and A/C unit. But the two of us hit a snag when it was discovered that the HVAC duct was unUSble. With the clock ticking for me to get the heating and cooling I needed in time, I needed to make some decisions. Replacing the HVAC duct was not only outside of my budget but would take too much time. The Heating and A/C supplier suggested a ductless multi break system. This would mean my small more than one bedroom apartment would have 3 ductless heat pumps sited strategically for heating and cooling.