This Christmas was amazing.
- We had all the presents ready for the youngsters and everything.
My wife even gave me a certain present before Christmas which I was especially happy about. She got me a new smart thermostat and she said it would be nice for me to adjust the temperature control settings remotely while helping the youngsters set up their different presents. We set up new vanities for the girls, a new desk for our son, and played various games with the little ones. Then later on we had family come out to enjoy dinner with us. I had the temperature control settings perfect most of the time, but when I felt like it was a little too nippy or chilly, I just pulled out my phone and made some minor adjustments to the temperature control settings. I thought the only thing that would have made it nicer was if we had a fireplace to relax in front of. Then my wife remembered that she forgot one present that she left hidden and she pulled it out. It was for me and it was an electric fireplace! We all ate dinner at the dining room table and I had the electric fireplace working nearby to where I was sitting. I always tend to feel a little bit chilly and the electric fireplace really made me feel more comfortable. I also appreciate how the flames dance around, they are fun to watch. I definitely plan on using my new electric fireplace in my home office when I’m busy working, I already love it so much.