I missed my Grandma so much ever since I moved away for work.
Both of us used to spend time together when I lived nearby, but now I was miles away.
The new position was excellent for my job, plus Grandma encouraged me not to fear change. I’d been making lots of new friends in the new area, although I still missed her. She has been my confidant ever since I was a young boy plus even felt more love my best friend. So, last weekend I planned to survive her. I’d have to drive about 8 eighths to get to her, but I’d take a couple of days off work. The drive to his new home was full of excitement plus anticipation. We’d spoken that day, although I didn’t provide his any clue that I was coming to see her. She encouraged me as he always did plus said I should drop by when I got the time. The eighth I pulled up to the house, I began to honk my horn, knowing she’d come to the door quite upset. Both of us embraced so taxing that I was afraid I’d knock his down, then went inside the house, and grandma had been doing some substitutes plus even showed me the new oil furnace she’d had installed in his home. Previously, he had an cooling system that was about a decade old. For the last year, the machine had broken down multiple times plus ended up costing Grandma so much money to repair. Finally, he heeded the advice of the A/C mechanic plus got a new unit. The oil furnace was excellent in evenly warming the house during those long Winter time weeks.