Celebrating a promotion has to be one of the best feelings especially when it was something you had been finally working towards.
I had finally gotten a major promotion at work and I was going to celebrate it by getting myself a new heating component to help with indoor comfort.
The one I had was older than everything I owned in that house, then after weighing the pros and cons of different heating and air conditionings I had settled for a dual fuel system. The home services company had given me numerous guidelines on how to choose a proposal that was best suited for me. The heating corporation also sent a heating worker to my home so that they could give me a price estimate. The hybrid proposal was a combination of a furnace & an electric heat pump. These more than one consequently would require annual maintenance, so a furnace/heater tune-up and a heat pump repair were inevitable. I also wanted to have my old dial regulator replaced with a digital temperature control. The one thing that was not actually up-to-date was a furnace filter replacement since I was already doing it with my current heating and air conditioning. The heating company was busy installing my new proposal in a week. In the meantime, I was going to visit my sister and spoil my nephews with gifts. Family are the best people to celebrate a new milestone, my sister was so gleeful for me when I told her the good news. And while I was at it, maybe I could have a nice conversation with her really interesting next-door neighbour, life was finally looking up for me and life could only get better from here.