Getting careless

Periodically I could just kill our kids let myself and others tell you! But I am sure all you parents out there are just the same, and of course the two of us would never hurt our children, we appreciate them dearly, however they do things that are just entirely discouraging as well as sometimes careless, then my kids enjoy to play hoops in our backyard, then and from them tossing that ball around for a long time, they ended up finally doing some disfigure, however they put a pretty big dent into our central heating as well as air conditioning! Thankfully the central heating as well as air conditioning plan is not broken, it just doesn’t look too nice anymore. The dent looks enjoy a tile hit it, but i had thought about calling the local heating as well as air conditioning company to send someone out to see if they could repair the dent if it didn’t cost too much. And I still may do this, however not right now. I don’t have the spare few hundred bucks for an Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C repair call at the moment. Especially when it is for something that isn’t affecting our central heat as well as air conditioning unit, however but one thing I can tell you for sure, as well as that is our kids are now forbidden to play hoops in the backyard! If they want to play hoops, they can set up their hoop in the driveway enjoy all the other kids do. But lord help them if they chop a window or something next! I guess I scared them enough about the dent in our central heating as well as air conditioning plan that they will be a little more careful. At least I hope so!


Getting careless