I have a several-car garage that has seen better days.
I park my truck inside & use the other side of the garage for storage boxes, grass equipment, tools, & junk.
For too long I kept adding to this chaos separate from cleaning, organizing, or finding any long term solutions. When I got into soldering electronics for fun, I realized that I could utilize unused space in my garage to build a work-bench. The easiest part was picking out a bench to purchase at the hardware store, whereas cleaning the garage took several days to the end of completion. Things were going well until I started to unearth a few boxes that had been stacked & sat unmoving for more than two years. When I dislodged the top box, a swarm of wasps came out from behind it & lunged upon me. I was stung once as I scrambled to get away from the wasps. A few hours later I went to another stack of boxes & the same thing happened, but this time there were even more wasps! Even though I’m not allergic to wasps, I had no desire to get stung half a dozen times trying to remove hives that I can’t even see with my eyes. It made sense to call a pest control company to send out an exterminator to rid my garage of those pesky wasp nests. Even though it took longer than I expected, the exterminator got rid of all the wasps in my garage. Now I can finally utilize that space & put it to unbelievable use. I don’t have to worry about getting stung by wasps while I’m carefully soldering electrical components at my work bench.