When I was growing up in this region, my parents hardly ever even locked the front door.
Can you imagine that these days? Not only that but my dad left the keys in the truck all the time.
I asked him about this later on in life and he told me that leaving the keys in the truck was so he wouldn’t lose them. These days, I’m having to lock down the HVAC equipment just to keep it from getting destroyed by copper thieves. I hope bars on my windows aren’t next. But I guess I wouldn’t be too surprised by that either. If someone is desperate enough to rip apart an HVAC cabinet for handfuls of copper fittings, why not bust a window right? It’s really sort of concerning that we’ve gotten to this point. And the police can only do so much to stop this sort of stuff. From what I understand, the folks that are breaking into and destroying HVAC equipment for copper fittings are desperate due to addiction. While I don’t like the idea of that, it’s still something that our society needs to address a bit more comprehensively. The fact that there are folks that desperate to get pennies on the dollar for black market copper is both sad and frightening. In the meantime, I’m just not going to be a sitting duck either. So I have now locked down my HVAC cabinet. That’s right, I bought a carbon reinforced steel cage to fit over my HVAC cabinet outside along my house. And I locked it down to the concrete pad the HVAC equipment rests on. It’s a shame but it’s the way it is.