I live in a hot, humid climate.
During the summer, my town may get very humid.
Humidity can create severe issues for homes and the people who live in them. Excess humidity can result in chapped lips, respiratory issues, and a gross sticky sensation. Humidity may also cause harm to your home, and too much humidity for an extended length of time can cause damage to the wood in your house and wooden furniture, causing it to inflate and distort, potentially generating thousands of dollars in damage. A dehumidifier is the best approach to regulate humidity in your apartment. A dehumidifier works to remove moisture from the air in your apartment by drawing hot air into a condenser with a fan and collecting the moisture in a reservoir. There are several varieties of dehumidifiers. The less expensive option is a portable dehumidifier, which can be plugged into any room and will remove the humidity from that space. Portable dehumidifiers must have their reservoirs properly removed and drained. The more expensive dehumidifier style is a permanent component that is fitted in-line with your Heating and Air Conditioning system to eliminate humidity from the entire house. Permanent dehumidifiers can draw moisture into a reservoir or have it completely removed from the house through a drain pipe. While permanent dehumidifiers require a higher initial investment, protecting your apartment with a dehumidifier can extend the life of your home and also help your Heating and Air Conditioning system to operate more efficiently. If you live in a humid location, check with your local Heating and Air Conditioning company to evaluate if a dehumidifier is right for you!