I have our condo deep cleaned once a year.
I honestly do this because it needs it due to where I live & all the dust in the air.
I have everything done from the rugs to the central heating & air conditioner’s HVAC duct cleaned. And after every single deep clean, the air quality in our condo is completely better! It is almost love having a whole condo air purification idea without having a whole condo media air cleaner. That is how clean the air quality becomes after the deep cleanings that I have done once a year. This kind of wonderful air quality lasts for about 6 months before going downhill again little by little. And for those times in between our yearly deep cleans, I have a portable air purification idea that helps clean the air quality & keep it wonderful when it starts going downhill. I legitimately have 2 portable media air cleaners. I put a single in a single section of the condo & the other goes to the back of the condo where the kitchens are. It honestly does wonders. I did not have to invest in whole condo media air cleaners thankfully. My air quality is nice & clean with just the portable media air cleaners that I have. And the thing is, they did not cost myself and others too much money either & produce the same results as a whole condo air purification idea would. I suppose I am fortunate that I was able to figure this out. Air quality is really important in your home.
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