My brother and his friend invited me to go camping for the weekend.
They got some campsites at the state park and the fishing is really good at the lake. The guys even rented a pontoon boat for the weekend, so we could go out on the water to the middle of the lake. I took some time off work and I decided to join them for the weekend. I took my tent, sleeping bag, and lantern and met my brother and Jack at the state park. My brother was in a tent of his own, and Jack had a tent as well. I knew the weather was going to be warm and likely uncomfortable during the day, but I was really surprised by the air conditioner set up in Jack’s tent. The guy had a portable air conditioner in the corner of the tent and the large ducting tube was sticking out of the corner of the tent. It looked absolutely ridiculous. I didn’t expect the crazy contraption to work well, but I stepped inside of the tent and it was actually 68°. It was 93 outside that day and a very warm, humid, and sunny day. Still, inside Jack’s tent it was cool and crisp. The guy told me that he hates the heat and humidity. He only likes camping with a portable air conditioner, electricity and water. He doesn’t really care for camping, but he makes an exception to go to the lake with my brother once a year. We spent all weekend fishing, drinking and laughing. It was an enjoyable way to spend my Saturday and Sunday.