Bedrest comes with plenty of HVAC comfort

It’s so tough to see someone you love struggling and uncomfortable.

It’s even worse when that person is your wife and she’s caring your first born.

That was the case for us this past summer. And I have never felt more helpless in my life. I’m just thankful that we were on the other side of the pandemic before we got pregnant. This was not exactly a planned pregnancy but we weren’t trying not to get pregnant either. I’ll never forget picking up the phone in my office with the zone controlled HVAC to hear my wife tell me she was expecting. I was both terrified and more excited than I’ve ever been in my life. We immediately got to working out the details of just how we were going to deal with this. The house we were in was great and ready to add a child to the mix. We had great quality heating and air with plenty of room for a baby. What we didn’t expect was my wife to have to go on bedrest for almost the entirety of her last trimester. She was so uncomfortable and my wife is not one to sit still for long. And yet, she had no choice. At least she was getting all the HVAC cooling she needed. The smart thermostat app on her phone allowed her to change the thermostat setting remotely from her perch in bed. So at least I knew that she was getting the quality heating and air that she needed. And it was a hot one this past summer.


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