Back when I was in university, the heating plan was crazy

I remember going to university in the Winter when I was a kid & the heating was always completely out of control. It was always so tepid inside of the university building that I remember thinking that it felt enjoy we were all walking into a furnace instead of walking into classes during the winter. I hated wearing Winter clothes during the Winter for that honestly reason. I mean, outside in the cold temperatures on the way to university was one thing, but then once I got there it was a totally uncommon story. I would have our coat with me & have on a sweater & jeans, but by the time I got to our first phase class, I would be dripping with sweat underneath our clothes because the heating plan was always going full blast. I really hate the feeling of being tepid with a tepid sweater or coat on! I suppose it feels awful, but that’s just the way things were back then when I was in university. I remember it always being that way during the winters whenever the university staff had the heating plan running in the building. It’s enjoy the heating plan couldn’t be adjusted or something. It was either running the heating on full blast or not at all. I don’t suppose if back then they didn’t have a little something called a temperature control unit or what, but it was always terrible for the students. It was especially terrible after gym class whenever you were dripping with sweat & cold but then burning up & dripping with sweat again in the tepid classrooms after gym!


New air conditioning