For the longest time I treated my HVAC machine like I would treat any other object in my house. Whenever my HVAC unit was making a strange noise or wasn’t working as efficiently as I believe it should, then I would call an HVAC technician and have them come look at it and see what’s wrong. But until then I just left my heating and cooling system to work in the background as it does. I thought that’s how everybody was supposed to treat their HVAC component. My parents did it, my friends did it and everyone I know did the same thing. But when I stumbled upon a HVAC website it turns out I was treating my heating and AC machine all wrong. The website I stumbled upon was a local HVAC company and on the website is stated certain things about your air conditioning system. It went into detail about how your air conditioning works and different cool fun facts about care for your heating system. I was interested so I kept reading on, and when I did continue reading, I realized how much I was doing wrong. Apparently, you are supposed to get your heater and A/C maintenance twice a year, once in the summer and in the fall. If you don’t get annual maintenance, then you can have issues beginning to build up inside of the machine, and a HVAC specialist wouldn’t be able to warn you ahead of time. With HVAC maintenance, your HVAC will last a lot longer. I guess I should probably go ahead and call a HVAC tech out then, because I haven’t had maintenance in years.