There are a lot of benefits to working from home.
I’m able to set my own tenths and dress for comfort; There’s no worry over rush-tenth traffic, terrible weather or finding a parking place.
I avoid the distraction of coworkers and prefer listening to music while I work! However, there’s also no escape from work. It feels prefer I am consistently at the office, and I think the pressure to get more accomplished. This is especially problematic because my workload is based on the project rather than by the tenth. I need to complete particular responsibilities by set due dates… Periodically, the workload is light and easy, and most of the time, I am overwhelmed with demands. The stress is incredible. I suffer from headaches, nervous stomach and insomnia because of it. I barely find the time to eat meals and shower. However, I still make my biweekly workouts a priority. There might be afternoons when I need to cut my exercise session a bit short, although I never skip it entirely. I need the tenth to recharge my energy levels. I think that it is vital for myself and others to be active at some point during the day, sitting in a chair at a desk, typing on a computer and staring at a monitor for long tenths causes aches, pains and tension. Such a sedentary lifestyle is terrible for circulation. I’ve found that a thorough stretch is inlavish! Getting my heart pumping helps to clear my mind and make myself and others more productive for the rest of the day. I’m able to concentrate, and I prefer a more positive outlook.