We are both now retired and living in a southern part of the country that suits all of our needs.
I have longed for sunshine and blue skies all of my life. But I grew up in a region where the weather was more clouds and bleak. So whenever there were those rare days where the air was clean, the sun shining and the sky so blue I would rejoice and soak up every single second. There were times that I would even call in sick to work just to enjoy that rare combination of great temps and great weather. The rest of the time it was in the HVAC and that was that. Once the kids were raised, my husband and I both started making a retirement in the south a big goal. We really committed to that idea by working and saving toward it. It took some sacrifice. There were family members and friends who were really hurt that we were retiring elsewhere. But we explained the we were tired of long, cold winters and all the HVAC heating bills. We also longed for more sun than clouds. So we stayed the course. And we have finally made that dream a reality. We are both now retired and living in a southern part of the country that suits all of our needs. Our little house is perfect and it’s nice to be done with keeping up a big home. Plus the HVAC bills are so much more affordable. But the best part is we have a sunroom in which to soak up all that sunshine and blue skies. It even has its own ductless HVAC unit in order for us to be out there enjoying that sunshine in any and all seasons.